ALTIDO Partner Perks
Partner Perks
We love partnering with small businesses to support them whilst adding value for our guests and owners by sharing discounts and promotions.
All of our partners have a connection to ALTIDO: whether it is a friend who has set up a new clothing company, a colleague's sister who has set up a candle company, or even one of our clients offering their services.
If you are interested in partnering with us, please contact us at [email protected].
Weezy. What you want, when you need it. Quality groceries delivered in minutes. 20% off with code ALTIDO20

Friend of ALTIDO, Harrie Folland, is on a mission to ensure your brand sounds as good as it really is!

Build your dream eco-friendly modular home with Youngman Lovell

10 % off Chucs' awesome deliveries and DIY meal kits using "ALTIDO10"

10% off Revure Candles using the code "ALTIDO"

10% off Emily’s Feasts using the code "ALTIDO"
10% off Decoralist using the code "ALTIDO10"

20% off Beaufort & Blake using the code "GOP20"

20% off Dida Richie Espadrilles using code "DRXALTIDO"
2 weeks free with EHG Interior Package - contact [email protected]

Herbs & Wild

Revels in Hand
10% off prints and free P&P for your first order at Killy&Co using code "KillyALTIDO"
Wick Antiques
Guardhog - specialist short-let insurance, building insurance and guest verification tools - contact [email protected]